We depend on charitable donations to continue to deliver free concerts to the Greenville community. Your donations are tax-deductible. See our Supporters page to get started.
The Greenville Concert Band needs your support. Would you or your business partner with us as a concert sponsor? If so, please contact development@
If you are an adult with prior experience playing a wind or percussion instrument, whether it was in high school, college, professionally, or with other community bands, you're probably qualified to play in the Greenville Concert Band.
Though the band has excellent instrumentation overall, there are continuing opportunities in nearly all sections. The band has a current opening in the following:
- French Horn
- Euphonium
- Oboe
- Tuba
Send us a note on our contact page if you're interested, and we will let you know your next steps.
Coming Next
As Time Goes By
The great song featured in the classic movie Casablanca is still true: “Moonlight and love songs are never out of date… The world will always welcome lovers as time goes by.” Come celebrate the season of love with the Greenville Concert Band!
Saturday, February 15, 2025 at 2:00 PM
Pelham Road Baptist Church
Family Life Center
1108 Pelham Road
Greenville, SC
Reserve your free tickets here!
Sunday, February 16, 2025 at 2:00 PM
Cannon Centre
204 Cannon Street
Greer, SC
Reserve your free tickets here!